Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coincedence? I think not...

Seriously, I think God is testing me. I've gotta share this story because it's all I've been thinking about for the last two weeks. I have been talking to my old friend from high school and we've been kinda getting to know each other all over again since we haven't spoke in about 10 years. It's crazy because we are almost exactly alike. We like the same things, we are both very driven and we have awesome work ethic. He is coming here from Texas in the next couple weeks to visit me.

I believe that God is testing me in a way that is positive. For example, this is something great and everything that's great comes from Him. I just sometimes feel like I don't deserve it...does that make any sense? Or maybe I have been treated so badly the last 8 years that when someone has come around that's actually decent, I don't know how to act. I don't know. Regardless, I trust God and I know that He is going to use me in a way to show people that He is with us all the time. I think He's testing me because He wants to see if I can accept gifts (which has always been really hard for me). Maybe this is my lesson...awesome lesson...He's awesome.

p.s. I'm so excited for when my "friend" comes down here...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

God answers all prayers

Need I say anything else. I've noticed in the past that I had a problem trusting God and his answers to my prayers. There were times when I felt all alone; like He didn't hear my prayer. In my loneliness and frustration I'd say out loud "Lord, do you even hear me?" All in all, I have realized in the last couple months that He does answer all our prayers and that we just have to be open to hear the answer.

For the last 8 years, I have been in a relationship that I have been trying to make into something that it wasn't going be. Fighting hard to not "fail" at it (I hate failing), I kept trying. The whole time I kept feeling something was missing and I was so right. After we ended it about 2 months ago, I started feeling alone and sad for myself thinking, "How am I going to meet people?" and "Who would want to marry someone like me?" (because that's what my ex kept saying to me over and over again; I believe that he brought the worst out of me at times). So I would be driving and working (normal Leah stuff) and I would tell God out loud, "Lord, I trust you. I know you have better plans for me and I know that whatever that plan is, that you will take care of all my needs." Every time I felt scared and lonely or a thought of not meeting anyone would cross my mind (among other things I worry about), I would say that to God.

So then here's what happened in the last two weeks...
I ended up reconnecting with an old friend from high school and he's such a great guy (who I totally am crushing on right now by the way), my projector died and we need about 2 weeks to get a new one...our office actually let us use the community one for free (everyone else charges $50 an hour), our mailman (who's name is Rich...hilarious...that's my friend from high school's name too) came up to me and invited me to his church because of the youth group there (how awesome is that? Can I get an amen?), I got to go snowboarding on Tuesday (my favorite sport), my brother has been going to church now for about 3 weeks consistently, I got to reconnect with all my Junior High Teachers, and I was able to see my awesome fam bam at Faith's B-day party (I love my family)...oh and I got to sleep over Kuya's house and kick it with Jasmine because she's always asking if I'm gonna sleep over...LOL). That's just these last two weeks. How lucky am I?

I learned that it's all about perspective and that God is ALWAYS there...we just have to find him. My car battery died two days ago and I decided that I could look at the situation one of two ways: I could be angry and frustrated OR I could be thankful that I wasn't somewhere scary and I couldn't get help. So I DECIDED to be happy and thankful instead. Do you know that in that bad situation I put myself in (because I left my lights on), God was awesome enough have AAA come out in 15 mins and jump start my car? I was sitting on my car super happy and my problem was solved in about 15 mins. I thought I was going to be late, but I wasn't late for anything. I truly believe that He's always with us; whether or not we see it. And he always answers prayers; whether or not we hear it. Sometimes the answer is simply... not yet.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy New You!

Hi all...I haven't blogged since last year! LOL! As I was pumping gas today, I realized how I haven't really noticed the last couple days. would've been my 8 year anniversary with my just very recent Can someone pick my jaw off of the floor already? I usually know these things...and today...I totally missed it until maybe 20 minutes ago. New Chapter!

So with that attitude, I am totally ready for a brand new year. We had a meeting last Saturday and someone said something that hit me pretty hard. "Everyone keeps saying Happy New Year. It's only a NEW year if we change ourselves and the things that we do. Otherwise, it'll be the same year." WOW. Can you say a ton of bricks just flew into my face? I definitely want a new year and a new start. So I am looking at my goals daily, sticking to my work/play schedule, focusing on completing my to do lists daily, and meal planning (I'm the biggest nerd ever!). I actually was thinking today that we should schedule a Sunday lunch with my fam bam, like we used to do. Nathan's usually at home on the weekends and he doesn't leave until the afternoon, so he'd still be able to hang out. That way we see each other for sure on Sundays. Can you tell I like tradition?

It's a great start. Did you know that 62% of people break their resolutions by the end of January. The rest of the folks break their resolutions in June. That makes me sad. And the competitor in me doesn't want to be a statistic, so I will keep mine all year until it becomes my life...LOL (Yes, I am one of those).

Anyways, tomorrow is gonna be a great day! I'm still excited for this's gonna be AWESOME (ode to my brother Jay! LOL) So for all those who truly want a NEW Year, here's to a New YOU!