Saturday, March 21, 2009

You know that saying?

"If it was meant to be, it will happen." Been thinking too much (as usual) and I've come to the conclusion that I really trust that God's got my back on this one. Today I went to an awesome meeting with our Sacramento team and I am all fired up to get the job done this year! With that excitement, I was also hesitant. I really gotta get things done in the next few months and as soon as I take care of what I need to take care of, then I can move forward with this "relationship" that I've been talking about with Texas...LOL.

So is it really fair to ask someone to be serious with you when you are not serious about them right now? I think that's a little selfish. As much as I don't want to miss out on all the fun we are having, I also don't want to let my dream pass me by because I know it's going to really happen this year. I FEEL it. That's different from before. Before I saw a vision of it, but this year I can feel it happen. It's almost like it's calling me. Crazy.

I am scared...for sure...but I also feel like if God wants me to be here, he'll make a way. He makes a way for everything. Why not crazy Leah and her strange adventures. I will still move forward...don't wanna be one of those Christians that "waits" on God, but regardless, I am excited about my future and what it has to hold. I'm in a better place, but I know that place still has limitations. I'm so confused. Are you? LOL...just had to's one of those days.


kclerici said...

I'm confused....but i feel

MommyDesiree said...

hahahahahahaha...sorry, but you make me laugh grasshopper...