Monday, October 27, 2008

The Secret

Does everyone realize that they are adding to the craziness in the economy right now? Most of the population has either heard of the book "The Secret" or even heard of the movie. The movie talks about how people think and that people's thought are made up of energy. Whatever someone is thinking, whether good or bad, they give that thought energy and the universe conspires to create that thought.

So does it make sense to enable this situation by being scared and afraid of what's happening in the economy? I think it's a little ironic. Most people focus on what they don't want to happen and in turn, it happens because they are giving that thought energy. How crazy is that?

By the way, this post isn't for any specific situation. I was just watching the news the past few days and, boy, is it negative. I just thought about how many people watch this everyday and how much TV actually feeds our thoughts.

What's wrong with being positive and focusing on things that we WANT to happen instead of the things we DON'T WANT to happen? Just a thought...

1 comment:

MommyDesiree said...


This post is so you, and so true! Preach on sista!
While I'm at it I will throw a "I'm going to build my dream house by the time I'm 30" out there for the universe to chew on.