Monday, December 1, 2008

Master Cleanse Night #1

It's a little late and I am getting ready to go to bed. Got a long day tomorrow. I am totally craving, but I believe that it is because of all the food that I ate before this cleanse. So a word of advice for those who are planning on doing this, do not eat a lot of foods you crave for before you start as it is tough to recognize whether you are hungry or craving for a certain food. (By the way, I went to my brother's house and Desiree made tacos and burritos for dinner, which looked super yummy, and I wanted to eat that too...I wasn't hungry...I just wanted to eat)

I am now craving these strange Nori Japanese crackers that I ate about 2 days ago (because I have a bag in the cupboard), and Mexican food (probably because my fam bam was eating that for dinner tonight). The books say that when you crave something, you are actually purging it from your body and your body is wanting it back (something like that), which makes sense because of the Nori chips. I can also tell that I am detoxing because I have a slight headache (really weak) and I am really anxious. I keep telling myself it is early enough in the game to quit and I read somewhere that saying that is a detox symptom.

I am not really enjoying my laxative tea tonight. I usually have the apricot one that I found, but I decided that I would have the chocolate smooth move tea. It's ok. I still drank it. I'm worried about my salt water flush tomorrow. I gotta wake up at 5am to get it done and over with. Another note, I only drank 6 servings of lemonade today which is not normal for me because I usually start out with drinking about 8-10 servings a day. Maybe I am preoccupied. Well, going to bed. I hate that food is constantly on my mind...I guess it's better than other things...LOL.

1 comment:

MommyDesiree said...

LOL....Those taco's were the bomb though, when you're done I'll make you some!

Thanks for the play-by-play that way when I'm done nursing I'll be fully prepared to do it.