Monday, December 8, 2008

Master Cleanse Night #8

Today is Day 8 and, boy, am I glad it's almost over. This morning was rough. I was feeling really weak and I had major cravings. It always turns out that the 8th day is really tough for me.

And I know why we drink the laxative tea at night. It's just in case the salt water flush doesn't work. The last 2 days my flush hasn't worked. Today it worked great. I was feeling really awkward the last two days because it wasn't working, although I was still eliminating on a daily basis.

I drank about 6 glasses today because of all the cravings and I did weigh myself again. The last two days have been weird and I really believe that my period had a lot to do with it. When I weighed myself this morning I weighed 2 pounds less, for a total of 5 pounds less than when I started. That's not bad, but I also know the last cleanse I was working out and I lost almost 10 pounds. I gained 3 pounds back, but I kept the rest off. So, if you count how much I have lost total this year with doing the cleanse, working out, and eating right, I have lost about 12 pounds. I am feeling good regardless of how this morning was.

We got our tree up and I love Christmas Tree lights at night as they make me go back to my childhood. It's comforting in some sort of way. Makes me want hot chocolate...LOL. Anything comforting has to do with food. Story of my life. 2 more days...YES!

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