Thursday, December 4, 2008

Master Cleanse Day/Night #4

I am sitting in my car typing on my laptop waiting for my 5:45pm appointment today. I'll have to go the bathroom soon. I am actually on my 5th glass so I'm feeling better about how much I am drinking today.

My flush was a little weird today too. I think I may have to drink more water before I go to bed, because I didn't flush out as much as I usually do and that could be because I am not drinking as much. The only thing I am feeling is a little tummy rumbling and some slight tiredness (but I am not sure if that's coming from me working my butt off for the last week). But the laxative tea is working well. Maybe that's why. Who knows.

My theory about my eyes has been squished. They are starting to itch again! So it's not cheese! (Yay!) Another thing that I wanted to warn people about the cleanse, too, is that I started forgetting to do stuff. Not all the time, but little things that I would usually remember, I forget to do. For example, today I forgot my measuring spoon so that I could make the lemonade when I was out and about. That is not something I EVER forget. I forgot today. I forgot stuff on the last cleanse too. It's not really bad, but be warned. It's sometimes frustrating...

This is technically night so I won't have an update until tomorrow. All in all, it was a good productive day.

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