Monday, December 1, 2008

Master Cleanse Day #1

Hi we go again. I wasn't planning on blogging this, but I didn't blog the first time I did the Cleanse (I didn't have a blog back then) and I thought it might be helpful to others doing the cleanse in the future.

So today is the first day of the cleanse. I woke up a little earlier to do the salt water flush because it takes about 45 minutes to take effect. The best thing about doing the salt water flush instead of the laxative tea is that you only go #2 once a day and that's in the morning. With the laxative tea, if you do the tea at night and in the morning, you will go at least 3-5 times during the day (not really knowing when). Trust's worth it to do the salt water.

I am not really feeling hungry right now. When I feel hungry, I just drink more lemonade. I can't wait until Wednesday. That's when I start feeling light again. I was reading that the amount of food stuck in our colon is actually about 3-4 pounds of our weight. So when I'm cleansing, because all I am doing is drinking lemonade, I weigh less and it feels great!

Most importantly, the cleanse is to cleanse your body. I spoke with a doctor that is one of our clients and she said that as long as you are getting your electrolytes, you should be ok. Another note, if you are not peeing every hour or two, there's a problem. The cayenne pepper is to increase your blood flow so that the toxins are eliminated quickly, which in turn, makes you pee.

I'm sure I'll be craving something starting's always dim sum. Keep ya posted.

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