Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Totally Enjoying Christmas Eve

As I write this, I am under the influence of alcohol...not something normal for me as I have been trying to watch what I am doing with my body for the last couple of months. However, I was Cinderella I was cleaning my house as my mom went out to Party...LOL...I had a great time listening to Christmas Music and cleaned almost the entire house.

As I look back on my last year...this has probably taken the cake in years of crazy change. I love change, I embrace change, not like a lot of people, so this year has been tons of fun. I am so ready for a crazier year...meaning that I may deal with more drama, more craziness, more change, and more growth. I look forward to it.

This Christmas is different. I am not looking forward to presents like usual, but I am totally looking forward to living my life. I am excited! I guess this is what happens when you drink...You start looking at your life so different. But it's not just today, it's everyday I feel this way. I can't wait. I should sleep now as I am feeling too good. I would text people, but I feel like it would not be taken seriously. I love that I am not crying right now (LOL). Desiree can vouch for that. We should never wait this long to feel this great about our life. We should live it everyday...