Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Master Cleanse Day #2

Day 2 is better...kinda. I want to eat food and all I keep thinking about is what I am going to eat when I am done. But I must say that I am not hungry. There is a very distinct feeling of being hungry and just craving. You definitely learn to distinguish the two while you are on the cleanse.

I actually realized that I am a social eater. I love to eat if other people are eating. Also, I crave what other people are eating and sometimes I want it just to taste it. The smell of food is actually 75% of what is great about food. I can actually smell food and be satisfied with smelling it. French fries smell really good right now. I always crave potatoes or some kind of starch because I love that stuff.

After the first cleanse, I stopped eating so much white rice. I eat mostly brown rice or some other kind of grain (like quinoa). Red meat is something I eat maybe once every 3 months or so. It's not something I buy to cook, but I'll eat a little if it's there. I eat mostly fish and chicken for protein.

I am going to start making a list of all the things I want to eat so that next Saturday the 13th, I can actually pack up food to eat at the Big Event we have in San Jose. That's going to be an interesting day.

On a more sentimental note, my brother and Desiree got me an awesome journal for my birthday about 4 years ago and I am running out of the pages the journal came with. I called the store that they bought it from because they left me the card and they are going to try to order me refills! How exciting! I love my journal.

Let's hope we close tonight!


Unknown said...

Wow! Go Lee! You can do it! Keep me updated... it's really interesting... I'm going to try to talk Marv into doing it. LOL!

MommyDesiree said...

yea! They Do have the refills!!!!

You are too sweet Lea!